Sunday, May 10, 2009

April 11th

The three Amigos here. They had a great time hunting eggs at Aunt Amy's house today!! We should thank mama Sharon too!!

April 10th

Such a great picture. Guess what we did tonight??? We had some help from our favorite Carter family. It was a great evening. And not too many broken eggs. Only 1 or 2 I think?

The kiddos getting some help from Aunt Lisa or "Aunt Weesa" as she is also known around here.

April 9th

So I couldn't decide on one favorite today. This is Miss Abby. Sometimes Noelle and I take the kids over to the football field so they can run off their energy and on occasion we try to walk the track. (Yeah right!! Not so much these days). But I love this pic.
And here you can see they are in major conversation with each other!!

April 8th.

I have gotten bad about taking pics in the last few weeks. Here is a day that I forgot. Oops!!

April 7th

I should also mention that she LOVES salad as much as she loves her binky. You can rest assured that if someone is eating salad you are sure to find her in your lap.

April 6th

My sweet girl. This is how she usually looks. The girl LOVES her binky, and she always has it cocked to the side of her mouth like you see here.

April 5th

Let's plant some grass seed. This is a bare spot in the backyard where our little pool normally sits. We forgot to fill in the space last fall with the grass seed.