Friday, February 27, 2009

The beginning of Avery's Story

I'm trying to think back now when exactly the journey started.  Should I start with the actual pregnancy or just where things began to change?  For now I think starting from the beginning of the actual cranio journey would be easiest.  Sometime I'll throw in the part about the pregnancy and my suspicions
Really it began in October 2007.  Avery was just around 4 months old.  We were at the doctors office for her 4 month check up.  Everything was well.  She was well.  We were asked probably a total of 5 times if we had any concerns....Well no-we kept answering.  I didn't realize then-what I later realized but anyway.  Our physician mentioned to us that she was a little concerned about the shape of her head.  That it was looking a little "different", it did not look like "big brothers" head were her exact words.  Well great--she is not big brother.  It lead her into a discussion that she would like for us to bring her in for manipulation on the skull.  That sometimes the bones just need molding into the proper position.  Of course we were skeptical-but it would not be discomforting to her.  More like massage of her skull.  We decided to give it one shot.  Atleast meet with them and hear what they had to say.
The next week rolled around and I took her for the first appointment.  It was the longest 10 minutes and seemed like the biggest waste of money.  It is hard to describe what they actually did- other than lets just say they pressed and squeezed her little head- all the while she was SCREAMING at the top of her lungs.  I thought this was not going to hurt?? I asked several times.
I left the office that day and felt totally defeated.  Was this really going to help.  I again scheduled for the next week.  They assured us it would take at minimum 6 to 10 weeks of weekly sessions to help.
So I told her daddy that he was taking her the next time-see what he thought, and then we would reevaluate.
The next week came and went.  It was just as awful for him as it was for me.  We are just not sure about this.  That was going to be our biggest decision.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

February 24th

She really could spend hours in the tub playing with these bottle caps. She fills them up and gives them to me, and I pretend to drink "coffee".  A girl after my own heart.  She's also rockin the pigtails don't ya think?

February 23rd.

This is so random I know.  But as I was watching my hubbs out the back door-trying to figure out just what the heck he was trying to do- I decided this was my photo opportunity of the day. It was FREEZING cold outside and he's out trying to rig up some FREE tv.  Seriously.....I know. We can really afford cable I promise.  He just always needs to have a challenge in the "tech" world:)

February 22nd

I know you are wondering what this is all about.  Well you see this is the face we get from Drew when he is mis-behaving and is getting corrected or when he just plain ol' doesn't want to do what is being asked of him.  What you don't get to experience from the picture is the low hissing/growling sound he makes that accompanies this great look! So I told him that I wanted him to see how ridiculous he looked---he CRACKED up completely.  Maybe just maybe this great look will disappear?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

February 21st.

Welcome to the land of the "big boys".  Now really he has to start sleeping there all night doesn't he? Thank you to my wonderful hubby for building this little masterpiece!!!

February 20th

We also enjoyed a pancake breakfast with Drew this morning at pre-school.  This is one of his friends-Daryn.  They also go to daycare together.

February 19th

Twice in 1 week I have not taken a pic.  Maybe tomorrow I'll use 2.  It has been a busy week. We went to a basketball game tonight.  Didn't get home till around 10pm.  Good thing I'm off work tomorrow.

February 18th

Just another night in the Carter house.  Getting the kiddos ready for bed, or night.night. as Avery calls it!

February 17th

No picture today...I know I did it again.  I was at work until almost 8pm.  The picture would have been taken at work..which we are not allowed to do---BUSY, BUSY with a few confirmed cases of bacterial meningitis.  Can we say prophylaxis treatment?

February 16th

Nothing really going on around the house today.  Same old routine. So I thought I'd take a little peek inside Avery's room.  It was hard to get the whole room without taking on a weird angle. So this is where she lays her head down at night.  Not to mention the rest of the room was a mess.

February 15th

This is to remind him that one day he did like to sweep the floor. Just a random sunday morning in the Carter house.

February 14th.


Not only did I get to sleep in this morning.  But I also awoke to this on my kitchen table.  1 box of chocolates.  2 very sweet cards and a gift certificate for a pedicure.  Wow I do feel the love!

February 13th

Yes...Friday the 13th.  What goes around comes around.  Poor Drew boy came down with the BIG fever today that Avery has had all week.  He got to spend the day at home with dad-but he was so disappointed to miss his first valentines party at school.  So momma loaded up his valentines box and dropped it off at pre-school so he wouldn't miss out entirely.  This was his excited face when I came home from work with the box.  Poor little man feels really bad. But he did try to act excited.

February 12th

I don't think this even needs journaling attached.   But the girl LOVES to streak around the house.  And she giggles the whole time.

February 11th

They had a valentines party at Tammy's today.  Here they are checking out the loot they came home with.  Poor Avery also went to the Dr. today.  4 days of fever-cough-runny nose.  Poor little thing.

February 10th

Ahh, nothing like a haircut to make you feel better.  I got mine cut tonight- so this is how I spent the rest of the evening with Avery on my lap.  And yes this is her new "cheese" face when the camera comes out--she just won't leave her eyes open.

Monday, February 23, 2009

February 9th

Oh no!  Today I stayed home for a sick day with baby Avery and this is what it looked like. High fever and nasty cough.......what is going on?

February 8th

 This is kind of a messy picture, but I forgot to take one during the actual party.  Today I hosted a tastefully simple party at my house.  Had a great time, enjoyed some great food and good company.  This was a little of the aftermath left on the kitchen counter.  Nevermind the ugly counter-top.

February 7th

Isn't this just the cutest little baker you've ever seen.  Yes the apron actually touched the ground-but she didn't care.  Girl knows how to work an apron!  And yes we love the pampered chef.

February 6th

I love this picture for many reasons.  Of course these are Drew's feet.  What you can't tell are the fact that they are two different cleats:)  He loves to "dress up" and putting on his football gear is one of his favorites to wear.  If they would only stay 4 1/2 forever.

February 5th

These are the eyes of one of the loves of my life.  Can you guess who?  Be still my beating heart.

February 4th

Drew must have had a very rough day with Papa Dave.  He rarely falls asleep in the car on the way home.--but tonight he just couldn't help himself.  Wednesday's are busy.  He goes to school in the morning and spends the afternoon with his papa. Isn't he just the cutest thing?

February 3rd.

Don't you wish you looked this good when you woke up in the morning.  Avery and her bed head.  This is how she looks most mornings when I get her up.  Atleast she's doing it with a smile.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

February 2nd

So, I decided that it was time that he make an appearance in this little project.  Something about this pic makes me so emotional.  Maybe it's the journey we have walked in the last year. I don't know for sure.  What I do know is that he is my rock, and he is an incredible father, and I look forward to growing old with him.

February 1st.

Ahh two of my favorite people.  Doing what they do best.  Only pretending to eat!

January 31st.

There's no place like home.  Today we got our "power" back on.  Look really closely at the temp reading on the thermometer.  That's right---it really says inside temp 36.5.  This is a thermometer we keep in Drew's room.  The reading was the lowest minimum temp our house reached with the power outage that lasted for 3 days...That's why we were staying in the hotel.  "Baby it's cold inside".

January 30th

Well project 365, I let you down again.... I have no photo to show for today but I can certainly tell you why.  I have been displaced from home with this no electricity mess.  I worked all  day today after spending a luxurious night at the Holiday Inn- I left directly from work and traveled to Columbus to stay in yet another hotel room cause little Miss A has an appointment on saturday morning at Childrens.  I tried to capture another cell phone shot--but it turned out to be total darkness....hmmm actually that might have been a perfect shot for the day now that I think about it:)

January 29th

Ok, so I realize this is not great quality photo...but it was another cellphone pic--brought to you by none other than the Holiday Inn Express in Athens, Ohio.  That's right folks....we are still without electricity which translates to no hot water or heat.  We were fortunate to get the last room.  Quick shot of my Drew boy lounging on the sofa bed.  He thought it was super cool! I'm thinking....STUPID ICE STORM.

Friday, February 13, 2009

January 28th

This was Avery's first time playing in the snow.  We had a snow day today which never happens.  Spent the day playing with the kids.  Little did we know what was looming.  The 3 day power outage from the ice that came before the snow!

January 27th

Real life again....Thank you project 365 for reminding me of that.  This used to be my dining room. This is what it looks like now!!!! A view from above.

January 26th

Check out the pigtails.  If she would only sit still so I can do this for her.  We thank Tammy everyday for making her so stylish! And she loves for Tammy to fix her hair.  If you tell her it's pretty she touches her hair and says "tammy'.  Too cute!

January 25th.

A lazy sunday afternoon hanging out at home.  Making Drew's favorite...... Chocolate Chip Cookies.  Nothing beats the toll house recipe straight off the package!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

January 24th

Silpada Jewelry party tonight.  Had some nice girl time!!  Wonder why my pic of the day was the jewelry and not the girls.......hmmmm.  I don't know.

January 23rd

This is a feel good picture.  It's silly.  It's fun.  This is what Avery is looking like these days when  I say "cheese".

January 22nd

I realize this is not a great pic...but this is REAL life.  Tonight Drew was sooo excited to finally get his own bed, well mattress anyway.  He graduated to a twin bed...more to come on the actual bed.  Now let's see if we can get him to sleep there more than a few hours:)

January 21st

Drew fell asleep in the chair tonight.  This is how he looked when  I went to pick him up and put him in bed.  He is such a big little boy!

January 2oth.

So this pic pretty much speaks for itself--but I wanted to capture this moment as my pic of the day.  Good thing it re-played on TV the entire night. I did get to see the real moment-gathered around a computer screen at work.  A great day to be part of history!

Monday, February 9, 2009

January 19th

This was one of those nights where I had Avery on my hip constantly. You know-like don't put me down or I'll cry nights? Well I had to open that handy cheesestick she has a hold of- and I just couldn't do it one-handed- so I sat her on the counter quickly. It's a good thing my little camera sits on top the microwave:)


This was one of the first days with enough snow to actually play in. Here is Drew in action!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

January 17th

Today we had an outing. I took both kids by myself and we traveled to this indoor play area in Lancaster, Ohio called Aha. Lots of fun. We even hit Burger King for lunch, Target, and the mall. I threw Avery's binky in the trash on accident-so we hit Target on binky patrol!

January 16th 2009

So I know this is not the best picture but it was taken with my cell phone. It reads -7 for the temperature as we were driving to work this morning. VERY COLD! It hasn't been this cold in Ohio for sometime!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

January 15th

So here is little Miss A waiting on Dr. Reagan to come in for her 18 month check up. She weighed in @ 22pounds, 33 inches tall. Dr. is worried that she is too skinny. She lost some weight between appointments.